ESG Monitoring

Monitoring Documents for the 2023-2023 fiscal year are due to HHA by August 31, 2023. These documents should be submitted in a two step process. The steps must be completed in order:

1. Submit organizational documents (see below for a list of requirements)

2. Fill out the staffing survey for all employees whose salaries are supported by ESG funds.

A separate form must be filled out for each employee. This can only be done after the organizational documents have been submitted.

Documents Required for Organizations Receiving ESG Funds

IRS 501c3 designation letter

Emergency Plan with BOD minutes approving plan (must be dated within the last year)

Proof of liability insurance


FFATA Certification of Executive Reporting

OCA Number

DCF Hard of Hearing Poster

Name and contact information of Deaf and Hard of Hearing POC (if applicable)

Name and contact info of Information Security Officer

Name and contact info of Educational Liaison

Documents for Employee’s whose Salaries are Supported by ESG Funds

Navigating the DCF Background Screening Process

Step 1: Apply for an OCA Number

You can apply for an OCA Number My Florida Families.

Step 2: Register with Clearing House

Register at the AHCA Portal.


This short video provides details on the registration process.

This pdf explains the registration process in detail.


  • DCF is the Program
  • Provider is your Role
  • Provider Type is “DCF Other”
  • Provider Name: Select your name and double check the OCA number is correct
  • Print and Return User Registration Agreement to DCF
Step 3: Initiate Screenings Within Clearing House

Step 4: Monitor Status of Background Checks

Bonus: Using Certiphi to make scheduling/payment easier