Point in Time Count Volunteer Training
OnlineZoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97418284677?pwd=YXp4QTVmVVJqQW1teC9zeE9OYlNsUT09 Meeting ID: 974 1828 4677 Passcode: 465887
Zoom Meeting: https://zoom.us/j/97418284677?pwd=YXp4QTVmVVJqQW1teC9zeE9OYlNsUT09 Meeting ID: 974 1828 4677 Passcode: 465887
The Annual CoC Stakeholder Meeting will feature guest speaker, Chris Hockman from Oxford House. Stakeholders will vote in a new Board of Directors and hear a brief update from the Grants Committee. If you have not yet joined the CoC or renewed your membership please complete the form here in order to vote at the annual meeting. There are big …